Within the esteemed history of the UP Broadcasters’ Guild (BroadGuild), a testament to resilience and ongoing innovation emerges through its official publication arm, The Whirl. 

Since its inception, there have been numerous dedicated efforts to seamlessly integrate it as a vital component of the organization’s identity.

Through various phases of inactivity and relaunches, The Whirl perseveres in fulfilling its purpose — to serve as the organization’s hallmark of creative and journalistic excellence, while steadfastly upholding the trademark advocacies of the organization.

To mark BroadGuild’s 25th anniversary, the anticipation builds for another exciting relaunch of The Whirl, reconnecting with its roots while promising renewed optimism, vitality, and consistency.

Origins and Founding

The earliest trace of The Whirl dates back to 2013 where it functioned solely as BroadGuild’s internal newsletter.

During that time, the publication was referred to as a gazette published online through social networking sites in the form of an infographic that contained summaries of the organization’s activities for each semester.

The Whirl had yet to function as a fully-fledged publication arm. It was solely managed by the executive trio, namely Pau Requesto, Erika Alcantara, and CJ Lansang.

Back then, The Whirl’s primary focus lay in showcasing the inner workings of BroadGuild and aid in delivering its advocacy-led projects.

Early Years: Redefining The Whirl

In 2015, The Whirl underwent a branding shift, redefining itself as the online publication of UP Broadcasters’ Guild.

The Whirl has diversified its scope, now serving as a platform for the organization’s official statements on pressing socio-political issues.

While the organization primarily prioritized media productions, the establishment of The Whirl presented an opportunity to bolster its emphasis on impactful write-ups. This shift contributed to a more comprehensive grasp of the ever-shifting media landscape.

Within the diverse array of initiatives of BroadGuild, The Whirl has encountered its fair share of challenges, notably falling short of manpower to ensure its continued operation.
Given that, no records of The Whirl were found in 2016. It may have been considered an inactive project, as other ad-hoc committees – Ice Cream Day, Media Exhibit, and Destino – were consistently planned and considered during that same year.

Relaunch and Expansion

The official relaunch of The Whirl occurred in February 2018 and the issue released during this year was deemed its pilot issue.

In the words of the 2018 Editor-in-Chief, Joanne De Leon, “[…] it is a relaunch of a project never seen come to fruition for many years in the organization.” 

The EIC also noted that the issue was dedicated to culture and the passions that kept it alive, likely setting the tone for the pilot issue and subsequent releases.

From previous online infographics, the relaunch took the form of a digital magazine published on Issuu.

This time around, The Whirl expanded its focus beyond internal events of the organization to include socio-political commentaries, media reviews, and a feature on Guilder works, now referred to as Gawang Guilder.

The Whirl continued operations after the 2018 issue but transitioned to a website format, utilizing Wix, in 2019.

2018 Relaunch. The first ever relaunch issue. Photo from The Whirl.
2019 Relaunch. The Whirl utilizes Wix. Photo from The Whirl Website.

The stories published in 2019 were categorized into UP, Media, Opinion, and Art which expanded its focus beyond the organization, through its involvement in the broader societal scene.

Another relaunch took place in 2021, with a notable shift in the writing beat to culture-to-politics, now more openly representing the organization’s commentaries on political affairs. 

Looking Ahead

After a major setback due to the pandemic, The Whirl is emerging stronger than ever before.

For its 2024 relaunch, co-headed by Josh Bustamante and Jade Vega, The Whirl aims to solidify its position as the official publication arm of BroadGuild. 

The Whirl has undergone numerous relaunches, yet it managed to retain its roots each time. Today, it remains steadfastly focused on its purpose and goal: to represent BroadGuild in the ever-expanding sphere of digital journalism.

Moving forward, The Whirl will showcase a new identity, striking a balance in the socio-civic aspects of writing both within and beyond the organization, true to its purpose for the people.

“Though we may have faltered in our stride,” as Joanne De Leon (2018 EIC) remarked, we are not starting from square one. The Whirl is committed to only moving forward by building upon the legacy of its esteemed history.

Editorial Team

Jose Martin Adrian DL. Bustamante

Julianne Adelyn A. Vega
Managing Editor

Alliah Camille C. Arizala
Associate Editor

Matthew Aaron N. Pacinos
Head of Marketing and Promotions

Rain F. Tiangco
Head of Publicity

Justin Marc A. Dionisio
Head of Website Development

Fatima Faith A. Baltazar
Karina Y. Evangelista
Gabriel G. Oliva

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